Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Maze Runner's Review

Okay, I TOTALLY recemend this book. Personall it is tied for my favorite book, but not everyone would like it.

It's about a boy named Thomas who wakes up in a big, dark box an can't remember anything. Well, anything, but his name. He is put with a group of teenager boys who live in the Glade and have been trying to solve a maze that may be their ticket home. Everything seems to be going fine until the unexspected happens .. a girl arrives. All the boys have known change and the monsters they fight become more vicious, friends turn on each other, and they begin to woner .. Will they ever get out alive?

Even though I think it's a great book, unless you love that gut wrenching feeling when someone's gut gets wrenched out, this book may not be for you. A tad freaky and pretty gross. Although, to me, all's good in a good book! =D



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